Posts Tagged With: money


Global Warming And Government Control

Bob L.      Just My Opinion, BUT
June 18th 2015

Global Warming what is it, it is the fabrication of the greedy who want to bring this Country down with all the other Countries around the world for their profit and control of all people, just like Hitler, each County should have their own control of their future, NOT ONE, you can see what happens when a dictator has control, total domination of its people who no longer have a say, just like what is happening here in this Country today.

Now lets look at who is causing global warming, well it is people who are in such a hurry to get their ass in an other place before their brain gets there, for one, cars that go 200 miles per hour when the speed limit is 70, ride on planes to get their ass to the other side of the Country faster no matter at what cost to the world, and these people are the ones who are yelling the loudest about global warming.

Now who are these people, Environmentalist, Special Interest, and all Government Agencies who speak for them selves not the people, look around, do you have a say in how much Government Employees pays them selves like they do you, do you have a say, do you have a say in how much taxes you are going to pay them, do you have a say in what they are going to spend that money on, and what project are going to be taken care of and at what cost.

Has Government told you where you can go and where you can go at a second cost that you are already paying for in your taxes, and why are they doing this, to bring in more money to pay them selves, did they give you a choice, NO, here again it is the same thing that they have been doing for years, you don’t know what is good for you so we are going to pick and choose what is good for you, we know what is best, yes what is best is not for you, it is what’s best for them all to get paid more, they are just another dictator of YOUR life.

You no longer have a life as a free American Citizen to shape your destiny, your Education, what type of work you want to do, where you want to go on Vacation without breaking the bank, if you want to go camping in a park that is one thing supply’s and clean up for the park is fine, no wages, BUT just to visit for a day, you should not have to pay to have a family outing.

Categories: America, Corruption, County Governments, Democrats, Federal Government, government, GREED, Lives, money, Olympia Wa., people, politics, Profilling Rich From Poor, Republicans, Tacoma's Government, taxes, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Real People, Are You One, Or are You A Greedy Want To Be?


Bob L.     Just My Opinion, BUT
Feb. 26th 2015

Is America the Country that it used to be, I can not say for sure, but I do agree to this comment from a program, if you think the same, then maybe you will start kicking some ASS with our Government, if not, then you are getting what you want, a Dictator controlled Government, not people controlled.

Why America isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore!  6 Minutes long, Remember, the United States Is Our Country, Take Care Of It before you lose it altogether.

What is the difference between real people and the Rich and the Want to Be Rich? Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, government, GREED, Jobs, money, Obama, people, Safety, taxes, Unions, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Poor Law, Toys Or Real, You Choose!!!

Bob L.   Just My Opinion, BUT
Dec.13th 2014

Here is the BUT, are these Real or are they Toys, Kids think that they are toys because a state passed a law about toys, they  had to be marked different from real guns in bright colors, but that is not so.

experience-photocenter-07Standard Finishes:
Chrome Satin Nickel Black Powder Coat

Custom Finishes: Ruby RedRoyal BlueMajestic Pink
Imperial PurpleKing Cobra Copper – Black Chrome

Grips: Black (Standard) – White
Now what do you think? Is this some thing that should be sold when kids think these are toys because an other law was passed before they checked out any like usual, it just shows that these people are not Educated enough to make good decisions, good example, WHY is this Country going down in flames, is it because these people have no idea what they are doing, I thought they went to College to get an education so they could run a Country or a Company, well they can not do either.


They are made right here in the United States. There is probable more to the story, read between the lines, who is going to benefit. Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, government, Jobs, Lives, people, politics, Republicans, Safety, unemployed, White House | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

UW campaign to educate cyclists about traffic laws

Bob L.  Just My Opinion
Oct. 14 2014

Why just UW, look around, Cyclists think that they own the road and all right of ways, look at how many have been killed or injured since this state has given them the  right of way on state roadways, these cycle riders, they think that they are exempt from these laws, they don’t have an endorsement on their driver’s license that all others have to have, and a yearly license that all vehicle’s have to have and pay for to use these roadways, they don’t even have a yearly license fee on their cycles to pay for their special lanes.

When are all these so-called college educated people going to learn that all laws have to be enforced, not just the ones that they want to enforce, but no they would rather make s new law and not enforce what they have now.

And now they want ride share and the transit system to carry their cycles for them, are they paying for that service to transport their cycles plus the rider fee, it is just like the environmentalist complaining about pollution from cars and truck, but what do they do, they load their cycles on their cars instead of riding them, they hang them on the back and cover up their license plates so if they do some thing wrong, you can not read their plates, which I thought was against the law to cover up your license plates, and tail lights.

Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, government, Lives, money, Obama, people, politics, Republicans, Safety | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Now Coming To Your State

Bob L.      Just My Opinion But You Can Not Deny The Truth.
March 7th 2014

thCAR6PX04They say that Pot is a gateway to harder drugs, but what is wrong withth smoking pot, the same thing as smoking a Cigarette which is against the law to smoke in public, so why is smoking pot any different, it still has second-hand smoke which is actually more dangerous to others, HOW? by some one losing their job if they check positive to the drug, even if they don’t have any thing to do with it, and now they are saying that these E Cigarettes are a gateway to smoking, if you can the-simpsons-homer-to-alcohol1smoke pot then you should be able to smoke a Cigarette without being hassled, or being over taxed to get you to stop smoking them, and saying they are a health hazard.

Make the laws for Pot the same as Alcohol, stop the special privileges, ether enforce the laws or pay the price from what will come, SUE the Government and the sellers (the people who sell, and regulate, and the person who breaks the law) of these products if the laws are not enforced.

Smoke and eat Pot, Drink Alcohol, But Smoke No Cigarettes, because it is a health hazard to you others, and addictive.  


Associated Press

DENVER (AP) — Colorado is spending $1 million on television ads making fun of marijuana users who space out during everyday tasks — an effort to stop stoned driving.

 The Colorado Department of Transportation unveiled the “Drive High, Get a DUI” campaign Thursday, the state’s first effort since marijuana was legalized in 2012 to remind drivers that pot should be treated like alcohol and not used before driving. Continue reading
Categories: America, Democrats, government, GREED, Health, Lives, money, Obama, Olympia Wa., people, politics, Republicans, taxes | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Future Of This Country, Potheads

Bob L.             Just My Opinion and Observation
march 6th 2014

Meth addict picked a sore all the way to the bone.

Meth addict picked a sore all the way to the bone.

There is not much you can say, but you can see it coming, and no one cares about what the future outcome is going to be.

They were all gung-ho to ban Cigaretts from all public places, now they want smoking for pot, the hell with the health and safety of the public, the same thing goes for Alcohol Government talks big about it, but does nothing about it.

Government gets rid of alcohol control and turns it over to stores who can not control who is walking out the door with it, and the same thing is going to happen with Illegal Drugs, whether it be pot or any thing stronger, remember pot is a gateway drug.

Government College Educated Dumb Dumbs, sure know haw to pass laws, but when it comes time to enforce them they just pass another law, but do nothing about the ones that are on the books, except turn their heads and tell the courts to do the same.

It all About the money and nothing else.

Health and Safety is sure not what they want.

California third-graders caught smoking pot in school bathroom

By Steve Gorman
March 5, 2014

(Reuters) – Three third-graders were caught smoking marijuana in the boys’ bathroom of their northern California elementary school last week in what the local police chief says marked the youngest pot bust he has ever encountered. Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, Health, Lives, money, Obama, people, Republicans, Safety, taxes | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

DRUG POWER, The New World Order

Bob L.   Just My Opinion, But if the truth hurts, wear it with pride that you pulled some thing over on every one else.
Feb. 27th 2014

Now that the drug rule is out in the open, where will it stop, after every one is stoned and will not see that this Country has been taken over by the drug lords in out Government, Yuppies, Special Interest, to where they have finally taken over full control of every ones life but their own.

It showing a Country with an education system that is geared to teach kids the laws mean nothing and you can do any thing you want, because this Country is nothing but brain-dead people led around by lack of brains, and just think these are the people who are running our schools.

The United States in coming years, NO LAWS, at least for the ones who break the them.


Colo. Marijuana Businesses Embrace New Drug at Center of DEA Crackdown in Calif

ABC News

While Drug Enforcement Administration agents in California are cracking down on the popular new drug known as “wax,” people in Colorado are rushing to embrace it. Continue reading

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, Education, government, GREED, Health, Lives, money, Obama, Olympia Wa., people, Safety, taxes, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Government Supports Illegal Business

Bob L.   Just My Opinion
Feb. 16th 2014

onenationundergod.jpgWhen does the Government do any thing unless it benefits them financially, and you know that this will benefit Democrats when it come to campaign contributions, and you can not say it won’t, Government does not do any thing unless it goes in their pocket-book.

The Government Agencies will do just like always, pass a law and then not enforce it just like all other laws that they have passed, and then when things backfire, they do some thing about it, like blame some one else for the failure of that law, even though they are the writers of the law that backfired in their face.

The way I see it is that the Government is opening up a way for money to be laundered and no one can do any thing about it, and you know that the Government won’t watch what these bank do after given the green light (remember they control the banks) to deal in illegal drugs and back terrorist groups, drugs could be stopped if the Government was stronger on 582501_464073756973299_628450550_n11enforcing these laws, but why should they, look how they are enforcing the law on illegals coming into this Country, so what makes you think that they are trying to stop illegal drugs from coming into this Country, they even gave a DRUG DEALER amnesty to bring in DRUGS to this Country while he was sending two border guards to jail for doing their jobs, and you think that our Government is not Corrupt when it comes to enforcing laws that they write and not enforce.

Industry still nervous, they should be, you know that you can no trust the Government.

Feds let banks and marijuana sellers do business, industry still nervous

Fox News’ Shayla Bezdrob and The Associated Press
February 14, 2014

The Obama administration took the unprecedented step Friday of clearing the way for banks to do limited business with marijuana sellers, releasing guidelines for how financial institutions can work with pot shops in states where it’s legal.  Continue reading

Categories: America, Corruption, Democrats, government, GREED, Health, Lives, money, Obama, Olympia Wa., people, politics, Republicans, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

And You Wonder Why Kids Today Are So Sick!!!

Bob L.     Just My Opinion
Jan.27th 2014

People believe these scientists when they are not sure what they are doing, but when it comes to your health, people think it is a lie.

Why do you think that kids of today are more sick than kids born before the 1960’s, birth was more natural with less drugs than today, today there are more drugs prescribed for people who are sicker now then years back.

They are trying to ban cigarettes because of health hazards of smoking, then they pass laws on where you can smoke, and then go out and say it is alright to smoke marijuana, and that there is nothing harmful in that, now the only thing harmful in that is that the states and the Government want a way to charge more taxes since they cut their nose off to get more taxes from people to get them quite, but the thing is that if they keep raising taxes, they won’t have any one here to pay them, and if they can get people high they will vote for any tax and the people won’t know what they voted for, Oh it is that way now, they just voted because the lie sounded good.

th4WKOY0NLHow about the women who will be around people smoking marijuana, what do you think will happen then, who will they blame when their children are born unhealthy and have to live on some type od drug or some machine, or how about brain-dead, then who will you blame and who will you believe, it will be you, you were the greedy one who had to have marijuana over cigarettes, in most cases drugs have a better chance of killing you quicker or some one else just like alcohol.

But go ahead keep believing that drugs are good for you, and then see what happens and where you end up when you can no longer do your job, and then do you think that the Government will help then.


Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Affects Baby’s Brain

By Tanya Lewis, Staff Writer

Using marijuana during pregnancy could affect a baby’s brain development by interfering with how brain cells are wired, a new study in mice and human tissue suggests.

 Researchers studied marijuana’s effects on mice and brain tissue from human fetuses, and found that the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, interferes with the formation of connections between nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher thinking skills and forming memories. Continue reading
Categories: America, Democrats, Education, GREED, Health, Lives, money, Obama, Olympia Wa., people, politics, Republicans, taxes, White House | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What Do You Think About America???

Bob L.  Just My Opinion
Jan. 25th 2014

I always make the comment about stop looking in the mirror and look on the other side and see what is happening to this Country, well some one asked me the other day, have you looked in the mirror lately, and I came back and told them that I have looked in the mirror, and nothing has changed in the last sixty-five years, the only thing that has changed is that I have wrinkles, I have gotten older and my hair has tuned gray and I have put on weight, so why do I want to spend time looking in the mirror, there is more important things going on in this Country on  the other side of that mirror that should be taken care of, priority one, protecting our Freedom and Country.

582501_464073756973299_628450550_n1If you have not noticed lately, this Country is becoming turned into a Dictator Controlled Country, is this true?  yes, while you were spending all your time in front of the mirror taking pictures of your self and posting them on the internet, this Country is being taken over by a run away Government and taking away your rights of freedom set up by the U.S. Constitution, they are bending over and letting Environmentalist, Special Interest Groups, Terrorists, and people who think that it does not fit their Lifestyle, so every one has to go by what they say. Continue reading

Categories: America, Democrats, Education, government, GREED, Jobs, Lives, Obama, people, politics, Profilling Rich From Poor, Racism, Republicans, taxes, unemployed, Unions | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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